Meet the world of Plastique Tiara [Interview]

13:30 | 01.09.2019 TerkaS 0
The Vietnamese drag queen Plastique Tiara revealed many interesting things in an exlusive interview with AsianStar. Don't miss out on an opportunity to get to know this lovely lady!
Plastique Tiara
Plastique Tiara FOTO: Marco Ovando
Some of our readers might ask: "Who is Plastique Tiara?" We've got you covered. You'll get to know all the details if you read our article.

Plastique Tiara was born in Vietnam but she's currently living in Dallas, Texas. She's a drag queen, a hairdresser and a performer. This 22 years old diva joined 14 other queens for the 11th season of RuPaul's Drag Race which is an American reality survival show. Although she didn't win, she touched the hearts of many viewers and is now travelling the world with the Werq the World tour with Yvie Oddly, the winner of 11th season. And she's also popular on social media!

Let’s start with some basics. When and how was Plastique Tiara born? Were there any other possible alternative names?
Plastique Tiara was born in the summer of 2015 when I was watching My Little Pony and decided that I was going to have my name modeled after Diamond Tiara, the prettiest pony of them all, but I didn’t want my name to be another diamond. Therefore, I came up with Plastique, a name that I’ve never heard before, and it sounds a little bit more cunty, don’t you think?

As all of your fans know, the beginnings of Plastique weren’t too bright and pink. Who or what helped you to get through those hardships? 
I've always watched RuPaul‘s Drag Race and the show is the reason that I started Drag. The show was an escape from the things that I had to deal with at home. Watching all the contestants' stories of finding out who they are and finding acceptance in themselves made me want to keep going. Because then maybe I will be able to find myself too.


What was your motivation to start doing drag and where does your inspiration come from? Do you have any role models among drag queens? Who is your non drag role model? 
When I was little, I always wanted to be a female singer in Paris by night. Because there was no clear Asian representation in Vietnam during the time, all I had were these beautiful Asian females to look up to. And I wish to have my name up in the lights one day.

What would be your advice for someone who wants to start doing drag but doesn’t feel too confident about it? 
Honestly, I did it just to do it. I didn’t know that I was going to like it as much as I did. Therefore, my advice to someone who wants to start doing drag but doesn’t feel too confident about it is to model your Drag after yourself or how you feel. Because then there is no added pressure of how you should look like or how you should perform. As long as you’re comfortable in your own skin, it will be fine.

I heard that you are a part of Haus of Edwards. How did you make it there and what did you feel during the beginnings of your career?
I was booked in an event here in Dallas two years ago with Alyssa Edwards to raise money for the victims at Pulse. I think it was fate because we clicked right away. I started doing her hair and a week later she asked me to be in the Haus of Edwards. Alyssa always reminded me that I was a star even when I didn’t believe it myself. Therefore, she always says to have fun and enjoy myself rather than pressuring me to elevate my Drag. And I feel like it is in our Edwards blood to be the best anyways haha.


You’re both a performer and pageant queen. Could you tell us what is your most favourite part of doing drag? 
My most favourite thing about doing drag is getting ready - I love to take my time and feel the fantasy. I also love performing as well, just getting to see the smile on someone’s face is enough. Actually, the fans are my favorite part - getting to meet them and hearing their stories is always rewarding.

Recently, you’ve been one of the contestants of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Could you tell us more about your overall experience, the hardest moment and what the competition gave you? Was there any drag queen that got on your nerves? Did you stay in touch with any of the queens?
I stay in touch with many queens from our season. I always say Drag Race is much harder than it looks on TV. Because of the isolation in the mind game that the competition gives you, it’s much more difficult than it looks. However, after going through it all, I feel like I can do anything now.

You are also a very talented singer, the music video for your single Irresistible has gained 1 million views on YouTube, congratulations. Have you thought of pursuing a singing career in the future? Is there a chance that you’ll release a Vietnamese single?
I can’t say too much. But just watch out hehe.

What are your current plans? What do you like to do in your free time?
I rarely have any free time nowadays because I am always working. I am currently preparing for DragCon, YouTube, Werq the world, and 1 million more projects at the same time. But when I have free time, I go shopping and get Boba.

Is there anything in particular that you’d like to do for to the LGBTQ+ community?
I would love to travel back to Vietnam one day and do a show for the Vietnamese LGBTQ+ Community.

Would you like to say something to our readers?
Asian representation, especially queer Asian representation in today’s media is so important. I am so grateful to have this platform and to have so many supporters out there looking out for me. And I will do my best to spread awareness that we do exist and we do matter.

Don't forget to check out Plastique's social media! You can find her on Instagram where she posts pictures of her stunning looks, on YouTube, on Twitter and even on TikTok.

PHOTO: Marco Ovando


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